Hi, I’m

Sandra Wood

I help international professionals in Zurich ​like you speak German more confidently so ​you can integrate better and take the next ​step in your career.

I enable you to unlock your full potential in ​a work and social environment by helping ​you take your German skills to the next ​level and speak with credibility and fluency.

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Does this seem familiar?

You’ve probably come to Switzerland for work or to be with your ​partner – or both.

You started learning German pretty much as soon as you got here. Now ​you’re in a job that doesn’t require any German, but perhaps you’re ​looking for a new opportunity where you can use your technical skills ​more or simply want to take the next step in your career – and for these ​roles, German is a must.

Huh? I don't get it
Woman Sitting with Hands Covering Her Face

Apart from work, there are numerous social occasions where you’d like ​to be more fluent-speaking and fit in better, be it with your in-laws, your ​children’s teachers or just going about day-to-day life and needing to ​manage administrative tasks such as visits to the doctor’s, the bank or ​the migration office.

What’s really bothering you is that you know you can speak German, but ​you feel you’re not fluent enough to actually speak it as you don’t want ​others to have a bad impression of you. You’d like to have the ​confidence to communicate in everyday situations without hesitation and ​be able to speak German without feeling stupid.

So, how are you finally going to get there?

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German Fluency Breakthrough, ​my 3-month in-depth group ​programme geared towards busy ​professionals such as yourself, is ​all about breaking through that ​barrier that has been in your way ​for far too long and finally start ​speaking German with ease.

Here’s how:

Step 1: With my help, you’re going to remind yourself of the ​vocabulary you need to navigate real-life situations in Switzerland ​successfully. We’re also going to build on this and give you some super ​useful phrases and helpful strategies to master communication at all ​levels, from chats with neighbours to meetings with the CEO.

Step 2: Together, in a small group of like-minded individuals, we’re ​going to get to grips with how to keep a conversation flowing, even when ​you don’t know what to say or how to say it. We’re going to encounter ​exactly the types of scenarios you face out there in the real world, giving ​you plenty of opportunity to speak and improve your fluency.

Step 3: Practice makes perfect. As you know from previous experience, ​what you do in class is not enough, you need more exposure than that. ​And that’s why I’m going to put you in touch with a Language Buddy. ​This is someone in exactly the same situation as you. You both know ​how it feels and you can support each other and hold each other ​accountable.

This is what you get inside the programme:

  • 18 x 45-minute group coaching sessions with no more than 6 ​participants at the same level as you
  • 3 x 30-minute 1:1 personalised coaching sessions on topics relevant ​to your very own specific needs
  • Lifetime access to the high-quality materials on the course platform ​such as videos and workbooks
  • Opportunity for extra practice with a Zurich-based Language Buddy ​in addition to the live sessions
  • Individual feedback from me on three milestone tasks so you know ​exactly where you stand
  • A lively community on Slack where you can ask me questions and ​keep in touch with everyone
  • Lots of help and support from me along the way, including some ​mindset work for continued success
  • An in-person meetup at the end of the programme with everyone ​for Swiss cheese and wine!
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What’s the Language Buddy?

This is a unique feature of German Fluency Breakthrough. Your ​Language Buddy is someone in exactly the same situation as you who ​also lives locally.

Meeting up in person and completing fun tasks set by me will give you ​that invaluable speaking practice that you need to get you on the path to ​fluency.

Here’s what my clients say:

Alessandra (SwiTZERLAND)

Woman Smiling


I had tried out several types of group classes, but I felt ​stuck and did not see any relevant improvements with ​any of those formats any longer.

I realized very soon that Sandra’s approach to learning ​was effective. I could easily remember topics discussed ​during the class and my confidence in speaking ​German was gradually increasing. Overall, my ​experience has been very positive and would highly ​recommend her to anyone who would like to boost ​his/her German skills in a reasonable timeframe.”

Older woman smiling outdoors


"Before starting to work with Sandra, I had very limited ​German knowledge. After moving to Switzerland, the ​lack of communication skills put me, not just once, in ​embarrassing situations. This happened until I decided ​to start working with Sandra.

Looking back, my biggest “aha” moment was when I ​discovered that German can be learned like maths. ​Once I discovered that, thanks to Sandra’s amazing ​teaching methods, my life was much simpler and ​learning German became a pleasure.”

Smiling blond woman


"I started taking German lessons with Sandra after ​moving to Switzerland. After studying with her for a ​year, I can proudly say that my German speaking ​skills have improved a lot.

I have been able to attend meetings with our architect ​and project manager held in German and I ​understood perfectly over 70 per cent of the content, ​which has been very liberating. I could not ​recommend her enough and I will definitely continue ​taking classes with her in the future!”

About me

I’m a native German speaker as well as a qualified language teacher and ​a linguist with a Master’s degree in translation.

I moved to Switzerland from Germany in 2011 and since then have ​focused my efforts on working with ambitious professionals in Zurich ​who expect the very best learning experience whilst providing a highly ​professional and personalized service.

Overall, I have more than 20 years of experience teaching adults from a ​wide range of cultural backgrounds in Germany, the UK and ​Switzerland.

Like you, I’ve had the experience of living abroad, and I know what it’s ​like when you struggle to communicate in the way that comes naturally ​in your first language. It can leave you feeling awkward, or just not ​coming across as ‘yourself’. This makes me the ideal person to support ​you on your journey to becoming more fluent in German so you can ​integrate better.

Book a free trial session

Would you like to chat things through and find out if German Fluency ​Breakthrough is right for you? Book a free trial session and let’s chat!

Just select a date and time from the calendar and we’ll speak soon. Looking ​forward to it!



You should have completed a B2 course or higher, ​but it’s fine if you don’t feel totally confident about ​every single aspect of grammar you’ve learnt.


There will be no more than six participants, so you ​won’t feel lost in the group.


Everyone will absolutely have at least a B2 level of ​German. For this course, it is not necessary to master ​all the little details of grammar as we focus on ​communication skills and fill in any gaps as we go ​along.

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I have decades of experience in language teaching and ​have lived in Switzerland for almost 15 years now, so I ​know exactly what you need in order to take your ​German to the next level and speak with ease. Also, ​we will dedicate three 1:1 sessions to your very own ​individual needs.


I will provide all the building blocks and practice ​opportunities for you to become a more confident and ​fluent speaker of German. But of course it is also up ​to you to prioritise your learning and make sure you ​invest the time to complete the tasks and make use of ​the speaking opportunities.

FAQs continued


This is not your usual group programme where you ​feel lost in the group. The group is small (no more ​than 6), which means you’ll be getting 1:1 coaching ​within the group sessions, as well as learning from ​others in a similar position.

You also have the opportunity to ask me questions in ​the Slack group whenever you want and I give you ​personalised detailed feedback through the three ​milestone tasks. On top of this, we meet for three 1:1 ​sessions.

I used to offer a 1:1 version of this programme, and ​honestly, this is better (as well as cheaper).


It sometimes happens that people would like to join ​my 3-month programme, but they’re not quite at the ​right stage in their language learning journey and it ​wouldn’t be a perfect fit. In such cases, I offer 3-​month 1:1 packages depending on availability. ​Contact me to find out more.

Any more questions?

Get in touch:

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